To kickstart Summer, Samantha, Krystin and I decided to plan a girls trip to Hawaii! It was our first trip together and we couldn’t have had a better time soaking up the sun in Honolulu!
We stayed at the The Royal Hawaiian (affectionately known to many as “The Pink Palace of the Pacific) and were blown away by everything about the hotel. Maybe I’m biased because pink is one of my favourite colours, but of all the times I’ve come to Hawaii and all the hotels I’ve stayed with, this one is my favourite! The location was great as well, we were able to walk to many restaurants and there was a lot of shopping nearby.

The hotel has a private beach area and pool, which was probably our favourite part. We spent quite a bit of time just lounging around and getting our tans. Did I mention both these areas are pink as well?

Every single meal we had during our trip was amazing! We’re sushi lovers so we had a lot of that and of course poke bowls as well. We ate at a number of poke places and all of them had super fresh ingredients! The one thing at the top of our list was fresh coconut water and we were so happy that we were able to find it!
One of my most memorable lunches was during our day trip to North Shore where we found a cute stand by the road. It was called The Sunrise Shack and my gosh was their papaya bowl delicious. If you like fresh fruit, you will love this!
There is a lot to do in Honolulu, but if you have the time, I definitely recommend taking at least 1 day to visit North Shore. I liked the beaches there more, they weren’t as busy and the water is so so clear.
And of course, it wouldn’t be a Hawaii trip without a Luau! We attended A Royal Hawaiian Luau at our hotel. The performance was perfection, everything you would expect and the food was fantastic as well! This was probably our best (and most filling) meal, you get to try a bit of everything from traditional to more modern dishes. We were told this was the best Luau in Honolulu and we definitely agree 🙂

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